Monday, September 17, 2012

This is my historical blog of the teaching opportunities I have had through this week.

8/21/2012 - (0730-1430)  CSU Campus MSR Building   Pre-licensure Nursing Students

I had the opportunity to teach nursing students about two nursing skills:  placing a foley catheter and starting an IV.  It was great to get to know some of the students and share my knowledge. I was able to meet learning Objective #1 Implementing the role of nurse educator through a precepted teaching/learning experience in the setting of a Skills Fair.  Sherri Brown, CSU faculty set up and ran the skills fair day.  She was very approachable for students and for myself.  I felt comfortable talking through the skills with the students and answering their questions.  All the students seemed to be so excited about nursing. That, was wonderful to see!

8/23/2012 - (1340-1620)  Marla's Reproductive Health CSU Class

I attended Marla's OB first day class in order to familiarize myself with the students and the syllabus where I will be lecturing this semester.

09/13/2012 - (0645-1215)  Clinical Teaching at DMC site with CSU Faculty Jenny Chan, RNC

I was able to spend a day with the clinical OB instructor and her students.  It was a busy day with multiple students starting IV starts on "real patients" in OB and in the ER Department of the hospital.  Again Objective #1 was met in a different setting (hospital setting), but also Objective #2 Apply principles of teaching and learning, assessment, and evaluation in classroom and clinical settings was met by helping students learn skills at the hospital.

1 comment:

  1. Great start Dinorah! You are clearly already busy. Suggestion is to add some reflection on what you learned as a result of the activities you describe.

    Keep up the good work!
