Monday, November 26, 2012

November 26, 2012 (0830-1600)  CSU Simulation Day
I spent today with third semester prelicensure students in MSR 40 simulation lab at the university.  I was in charge of the fetal heart rate strip station. 

I had six groups of students, each almost a full hour, interpreting different case studies of FHR and uterine contraction strips.  We discussed the different components of the FHR and contraction documentation as well as appropriate nursing interventions.  It was a very busy and learning intensive day with lots of good questions and small group discussion.

Last day of clinical hours! Yay!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

November 2 - 8, 2012 - Grading Papers

Correcting 12-17 pages of writing by OB students took me a very long time to do!   One paper would literally take me over an hour to grade.  I had my APA book, the rubric for the assignment to check off for content, an online source for grammar, and much much patience.  I did not realize how time-consuming grading written papers was going to be for me until I started the process.

Every night when I would finish grading several papers, I felt like I had worked on a very very difficult homework assignment of my own, one in which I had to think really really hard about.   I told my professor that I have a new found respect for nursing faculty!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

11/01/2012   (1340-1640)  OB Lecture #4 - LAST ONE!!

Today was my last lecture for the OB PL students with Marla.  Every lecture has been a lot of work but this one took quite a bit longer.  In addition to the reading of the chapters and note-taking, I added a case study that I created from my clinical experience.  I had the students divide up into groups of 5-6, read and discuss the case study, then answer six questions regarding it.  After about 15min, we discussed the case study together and with PowerPoint slides, I gave the answers to the questions after discussion of each question.  I gave the students evaluation cards and I received great feedback regarding the case study.  They commented that it was good that they were given the opportunity to correlate what was discussed in the lecture with an actual case.  So, thumbs-up on case studies in the classroom!  It was a lecture that met all the goals I had set for myself.  At the end of the lecture, Marla gave me a stack of written papers to grade;  that's next on my To-Do List.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

10/18/2012  OB Lecture #3

Today the students took the exam with the half the questions that I helped Marla put on the test.  I was a little disappointed to know that 3 students out of 29 failed.  I felt almost guilty at first, almost like it was my fault they didn't do well.  Marla and I discussed the questions and she decided to throw out two exam questions, both of which were not from the material I lectured on.  After this experience I learned that no matter how hard I would have tried to make the questions clear to the students, I could not help that a few could not get the answers correct.

The lecture was about the subject of Childbirth, which I absolutely feel confident about! It was a great lecture.  I used Marla's baby doll and her pretend pelvis to show fetal positions and I was able to use some great YouTube animated videos to show station, cardinal movements and birth.  I think the students were very receptive.  I still get very nervous at the beginning of the lecture.  I am hoping this feeling will get better with time.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

October 17, 2012  (1200-1545)  EXAM QUESTIONS

It was time to formulate exam questions for the 12 chapters the students had been given, (6 of which I had lectured on). I spent the afternoon with Marla choosing questions from the textbook test bank site and also composing some exam questions of our own.  I learned how the entire process works.  The final exam has 50 multiple choice questions, a rationale for the teacher for each question and an answer sheet.  There are 29 students in the class, so we copied 29 exams that are ready to go! We'll see how the students do on exam day.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Monday, October 15, 2012 (1250 -1645)

I now realize that grading is not as easy as it looks! Hmmm' just like teaching!  I graded 28 students' genograms and their accompanied written papers.  The genograms were very creative, unique to their author's family.  Marla graded three with me and then allowed me to stay in her office and grade the rest.  I had to admit, I was very hesitant to use ink, so I made corrections in pencil.  Marla told me I could do several in pencil and eventually use ink, but I was so unsure about my grading capabilities that I had to use pencil.  It is amazing how something so simple can be so intimidating.  This was the very first time I had ever really graded anything in my life.  I followed her rubric and tried to be very consistent.  It was quite an experience, but I learned to grade genograms.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

10/04/12  (1340-1620)  OB lecture #2 - High Risk Pregnancies

Today was my second big lecture day.  I was still very nervous but it wasn't quite as bad as last week. It helped that I am familiar with the students and the setting.  I had lots of great feedback from the students.  Marla was able to read the students' feedback and also gave me suggestions for my next lecture. 

I feel that I was able to meet Objective #4 - Implement and evaluate a teaching module utilizing theories and principles of teaching/learning in the preparation and delivery of this lecture.  After reading all three chapters in the textbook, I researched some videos online that would help the students remember some of the information.  I used visual aids, pictures and graphs, as well as short video clips to help demonstrate concepts to students.  Students learn through observation but also through activities.  Students turned in their genograms today and Marla and I set Monday, 10/15 as a day when we are both going to grade this assignment.  I am feeling just a little more confidence and I hope that everything continues to go well.  I have had a great learning experience thus far!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

09/27/12 (1340-1620) CSU OB Lecture

Well today was my first lecture to PL OB student nurses at CSU! I was so nervous before the lecture I couldn't even eat all day!  It took hours and hours of prep time to be ready for today but it was worth it because I felt prepared and had a good grasp of the material I presented.  I used a combination of two objectives:  Objective #7, utilizing peer (student) and faculty feedback by asking the students to fill out a 3x5 card telling me what they liked about my lecture and also what they felt that I could improve on.  I met with Marla right after class and she was very positive about how she thought the class went.  Of course she is an excellent role model. I hope to someday be half as good as she is at teaching. Objective #5, Demonstrate appropriate use of instructional technologies to support the teaching/learning process was met through my use of PowerPoint, providing not only information but also visual aids.  Half-way through the class after a short break, I engaged the students in a "quick-fire challenge" activity in which the students were divided into groups and then organized a 30sec commercial using a well-known organizational slogan (for example:  "Sometimes you feel like a nut", "Can you hear me now?") for pregnant moms regarding proper nutrition.  The students seemed to really enjoy the activity and every student participated. 

All in all, I feel that it went well for being my first lecture.  I still have lots to learn though.  The students were so willing to learn, asked good questions, and participated openly in discussions.  They provided me with good feedback that I will try to use for next time.  I think I can actually do this! It was a good day!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Normal Childbirth and Labor-DMC
09/17/2012 (1400-1500)  CSU OB students Post conference Lecture

Well Monday was my first formal lecture to 10 CSU students about normal labor and birth.  Goal #1 - accomplished, and I survived!  I was quite nervous for the first few minutes but as I started talking and interacting with the students, my nervousness seemed to get better.  I met the Objective #3 "Link philosophy of education with planning and development of a learning module", as I developed a PowerPoint with learning objectives, bulleted points about the important topics to be discussed and I also provided visual aids so that the students could actually become familiar with. My learning philosophy is structured around recognizing different learning styles and ways to meet the goal of learning.  I know that there are some students that are very visual, so therefore I attempted to not only describe concepts but also incorporate pictures and hospital equipment into my lecture.  The students were so excited to learn and ask questions.  It was a great first experience! I don't think I can upload PowerPoints to this blog, so I just took a picture of my Objectives for the class.  

Monday, September 17, 2012

This is my historical blog of the teaching opportunities I have had through this week.

8/21/2012 - (0730-1430)  CSU Campus MSR Building   Pre-licensure Nursing Students

I had the opportunity to teach nursing students about two nursing skills:  placing a foley catheter and starting an IV.  It was great to get to know some of the students and share my knowledge. I was able to meet learning Objective #1 Implementing the role of nurse educator through a precepted teaching/learning experience in the setting of a Skills Fair.  Sherri Brown, CSU faculty set up and ran the skills fair day.  She was very approachable for students and for myself.  I felt comfortable talking through the skills with the students and answering their questions.  All the students seemed to be so excited about nursing. That, was wonderful to see!

8/23/2012 - (1340-1620)  Marla's Reproductive Health CSU Class

I attended Marla's OB first day class in order to familiarize myself with the students and the syllabus where I will be lecturing this semester.

09/13/2012 - (0645-1215)  Clinical Teaching at DMC site with CSU Faculty Jenny Chan, RNC

I was able to spend a day with the clinical OB instructor and her students.  It was a busy day with multiple students starting IV starts on "real patients" in OB and in the ER Department of the hospital.  Again Objective #1 was met in a different setting (hospital setting), but also Objective #2 Apply principles of teaching and learning, assessment, and evaluation in classroom and clinical settings was met by helping students learn skills at the hospital.